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East Coast Junior Lacrosse League
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Game Day Standards

Game Day Standardization Format

Purpose: To develop a standard of professional appearance across the league, with the goal of improved experience of players and fans at all ECJLL games. 

1.0. Dress Code: Players and coaches must follow dress code for all ECJLL Sanctioned games including pre-season, regular season and playoffs. Polos or dress shirts, dress pants, golf pants khaki shorts and pants and casual long sleeve. Clothes must be clean, not ripped and proper fit.
1.1. Fineable: Teams will Be fined to the sum of $25 for every violation of the dress code. Example: if a coach is wearing a non affiliated hoodie and a player shows up in in a tank top, fine will be $50. Maximum fine is $75 per game. Maximum amount of warnings will be 3 at the leagues discretion for the entire ECJLL schedule including pre-season, regular season and playoffs. Only one warning is permitted per game, so in a case of two players making a dress code infraction and the team has at least on of their 3 warnings remaining, the first offense will be a warning and the second would be a $25 fine.

2.0. Music: Music is mandatory at all ECJLL sanctioned games, whether it is regular season or playoffs.
Music is mandatory during warm up, intermission and until 2 minutes following the final buzzer (or teams have left the floor).  Music, is not permitted during play as per Regulation 11. Order of Maintenance 11.13.  Music selection is team choice. 
Recommended: Playing music during play stoppages and edit music for inappropriate language. Not recommended to play music if there’s a stoppage for injured player.
2.1. Fineable: If music is not played by 15 minutes prior to game time, the home team shall be fined to the sum of $40.
2.2. **If Equipment is not available or malfunctioning, home team shall make ECJLL aware prior to game, or in some cases at the beginning of the season if it will be a full season issue. If the ECJLL is not notified, then the ECJLL is to assume there is no issues and therefore a warning or a fine may take place. If the person designated to do music shows up late or is unable to show up at all, the team must inform the ECJLL 15 minutes prior to game time to avoid fine. The teams next home game must have music played and cannot report back to back games that their music person is late or unable to attend.

3.0. Announcer: Mandatory Intro: “Welcome to ABC Arena. Tonight’s match up in the East Coast Junior Lacrosse League is (away team) versus YOUR (home team).”
recommended: Each team designated announcer or MC to be the voice of their team for home game.  This is an opportunity to announce sponsors, goals, penalties, etc
3.1. Fineable: If the Mandatory Intro does not take place prior to starting the game the Home team will be fined to the sum of $40.
3.2. **If Equipment is not available or malfunctioning, home team shall make ECJLL aware prior to game, or in some cases at the beginning of the season if it will be a full season issue. If the ECJLL is not notified, then the ECJLL is to assume there is no issues and therefore a warning or a fine may take place. If announcer becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, the team must provide the ECJLL with the details.
4.0. Professional Warmup: During ECJLL scheduled warmup (30 minutes prior to scheduled game start), players on the floor warming up for game must be in either full gear (see game gear) or matching shooter shirts, matching shorts, helmets and gloves.
Recommended: Teams are advised to have extra shooter shirts and shorts for their AP players to avoid fines.
4.1. Fineable: Team will be fined in the event that one or more players are not following warmup gear dress code to the sum of $30

5.0. Game Gear: All players are required to be wearing same colour helmets and teams shorts during game (not applicable if a play is an AP). If a player is traded there will be a 15 day grace period for the proper helmet to be obtained.
5.1. Fineable: If one or more players on a team is not presenting a professional appearance and not following approved ECJLL Game Gear uniform, a fine in the sum of $50 will be issued.

6.0. Oh Canada and Mi’kmaq Honor Song: Before the opening face-off, the home team is require acknowledge Indigenous territory and play (by music or singing) Canadian national anthem,  Note: If the game includes the Mi’kmaq Warriors teams are required to play the Mi’kmaq Honor song.
ECJLL Indigenous Director will provide a sample acknowledgement of Mi’kmaq territory and the Mi’kmaq honor song.
6.1. Fineable: Not playing the national anthem or Mi’kmaq Honor Song in proper circumstances will result in a fine to the sum of $25.
6.2. Fineable: Not announcing Acknowledgement of Indigenous Culture will result in a fine to the sum of $25
6.3. **If Equipment is not available or malfunctioning, home team shall make ECJLL aware prior to game, or in some cases at the beginning of the season if it will be a full season issue. If the ECJLL is not notified, then the ECJLL is to assume there is no issues and therefore a warning or a fine may take place.

7.0. Announcements (social media): send out game day announcements through various platforms to reach audiences outside of player’s families. Send out tweets, Facebook posts and Email blast through organizations GOALLINE page. Any questions for email blast, message Tim.
7.1. Not fineable. This is Only a recommendation.

8.0. 50/50 Draw: Home teams are recommended to sell 50/50 at the gate. The tickets shall be sold until the end of the 2nd intermission and announced in the 3rd, this timeline will be used as a strategy to keep fans in the building.
8.1. Not Fineable. This is only a recommendation.

9.0. Fan Experience: Home teams should encourage minor players to go on the floor during the intermission. Provide balls if you can control getting them back. Helmets and gloves necessary. Creating activities for fan experience such as Frisbee toss and skills competitions work great in current arenas. Opportunity to be creative with your organization.
9.1. Not Fineable. This is only a recommendation.

**All teams first infraction with each fineable event will be issued a Warning from the ECJLL.
**Any team that doesn’t have a PA system in their arena will have 1 year to become situated with a new arena that has the proper equipment. 
**Any team with malfunctioning PA system has 10 days to work with arena to sort out any issues with PA system and ensure it returns to working condition.
Process of Reporting Infractions and Appealing Fines:
Any infractions can be reported to the ECJLL Fine Coordinator (person to be assigned by commissioner) by any ECJLL Head Coach, Assistant Coach, team Executive, ECJLL Executive (voting and nonvoting executive) and Association Presidents.  
Anyone reporting an infraction shall fill out the ECJLL Form for Reporting Fines and send it to the ECJLL Fine Coordinator with Commissionaire attached to the email.
The person designated as the ECJLL Fine Coordinator (person to be assigned) can automatically submit a warning or a fine to a team if they witness any infractions made by any team without submitting a Form for Reporting Fines.
ECJLL Fine Coordinator is to update the ECJLL board members and teams with statistics on the reports they have received, how many were warnings, how many fines and how many appeals.
Appeals and Protests:
Follows current Appeals and Protests regulations in the ECJLL Regulations.
The ECJLL recommends that all teams are actively engaging in reporting all infractions to encourage all teams to meet the expectations on the Game Day Standardization Format.

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