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East Coast Junior Lacrosse League
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LNSS Update on COVID-19


New Bulletin regarding the suspension of in-person lacrosse activities in NS. Thanks for your continued patience and cooperation as we work through the issues affecting our sport during this pandemic.

We are all continuing to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and our main priority will always be the safety and well being of the Nova Scotia lacrosse community.  We are communicating and consulting with our Team, Club and League Leadership across the province to ensure that we make the best decisions we can for our dedicated and committed players, coaches, officials, volunteer administrators, parents and fans.  This challenging situation has impacted everyone and we appreciate our community for maintaining your passion for the lacrosse, especially during this time of year, when we are normally getting organized for our spring box season.

In Nova Scotia, we had great momentum happening in our sport due to the exceptional promotion we were enjoying by having the Halifax Thunderbirds playing in Halifax this winter.  In addition, we recognize the efforts of our clubs and our staff, running programs in schools and other community organizations to further introduce and promote the game.  We appreciate the tremendous efforts that have been put forth by our leagues and clubs in preparing for the 2020 season.

As part of our effort to keep the momentum surrounding our game, we will continue to use our social media platforms to spread all the positive stories related to our sport and all the messaging that is so encouraging at this time.  Please share your stories in the coming weeks! 

Due to the directives provided by our governments and our governing bodies, we suspended all sanctioned lacrosse activities to April 5thFurthermore, Lacrosse Nova Scotia now directs the postponement of all in-person lacrosse activities to be extended until May 15th, taking into consideration recent provincial directives and CLA updates. It is very important that our entire community follows these directives, particularly surrounding social distancing and respecting the laws surrounding gatherings and the closures of public venues, recreational areas and parks.

Our Lacrosse NS Technical Director and Referee-In-Chief are working on alternatives for coach and referee certification.  Your lacrosse leadership at every level are considering multiple scenarios for return to play so that we are prepared as soon as we are given guidance that it is safe and appropriate to begin the 2020 season. In all of our planning, we continue to closely follow the guidance and direction of our leaders, including the Sport Nova Scotia, the Province of Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Heritage and Health and Wellness, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

We appreciate your continued patience and flexibility as we work to deliver lacrosse to our community in 2020. We are grateful for your understanding and your desire to begin the 2020 season with us as soon as it is safe to do so.

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