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2018 ECJLL Board: Thank Yous & Welcomes


At this year’s ECJLL AGM, there was quite a turnover of board members, as we have a few members leaving the board, new ones joining, and a couple of new positions being added.

Firstly, a huge “Thank You” to our outgoing board members for all the work they have done over many years to continue building the ECJLL and give our youth an opportunity to play in the best league in Nova Scotia. Our outgoing board members who have been a major part of the develop of the ECJLL are:

Scott McMullen
Colin Beiswanger
Ian Higgins 
Stephen Fyfe
Gord Puddifant 
Donna Goguen 

Another “Thank You” to Chet Koneczny for stepping up and leading our league over the past year as Commissioner.  Chet has accepted a position coaching the Founder Cup Champions Orangeville Northmen in 2018 and stepped down as ECJLL commisioner. Chet's years of experience from professional lacrosse was a help in guiding the league to the beginning of our strategic plan and path of success.  Chet will be staying on as past president and provide guidance to our league as we continue forward.  He will be a great support for the ECJLL to draw upon with his experience 

Thank you all for your hard work over the past few years.  Your support, passion and dedication to the league has not gone unnoticed and are a huge part of our success.

The ECJLL would like to welcome the new board members, as well as a couple new positions, and to the exciting times we have ahead.  Welcome to the following members:

Deputy Commissioner: Paul MacInnis
Treasurer: Noreen Hebert 
Indigenous Advisor (New): Steve Morrisey
Fundraising Chair (New): Patti Brown
Suspension Coordinator: Sean Carrigan

Welcome aboard!!

The league has started down the path of developing a shared vision and strategic plan which will help guide us as we move forward.  The ECJLL is looking forward to a successful 2018!

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